Author: All Roofing Solutions

  • 3 Misconceptions About Rooftop Solar Panels

    3 Misconceptions About Rooftop Solar Panels

    If you’re considering an Eco-friendly electricity solution, photovoltaic solar panels are a durable, energy efficient option that offers a number of advantages.

    Contrary to what you may have heard, today’s solar panels are not heavy and obtrusive. In some cases, thin-film photovoltaic laminates can even be bonded directly onto metal roofing panels.

    Unlike earlier systems, there is often no need for bulky solar panel racks and expensive glass. Instead, photovoltaic laminates can be applied with a peel-and-stick method that protects your roof from leaks.

    3 Misconceptions About Solar Panels & Your Roof

    What about those other myths you’ve heard? We’re here to debunk misconceptions about solar panels and your roof. Here’s the truth of the matter.

    Myth #1: Solar power requires bright light to work well, and is therefore unreliable.

    The way that solar panels work is commonly misunderstood. While solar panels produce more energy on bright, sunny days, they continue to work on cloudy days, too. If, for some reason, electrical use is greater than solar production, the local utility makes up the difference. On days when your PV system produces more energy than your home needs, excess power is sent back through the utility grid. The result? Lower utility bills!

    During the winter, photovoltaic panels may be temporarily disabled when snow covers the cells. However, as soon as snow melts or is brushed off the panels, operation resumes.

    Myth #2: Solar panels require extensive maintenance.

    There are no moving parts in photovoltaic panels, so they require little to no maintenance. We recommend checking the panels for dirt buildup two to three times per year. If you are not comfortable climbing on your roof to do this, a qualified roofing expert can check solar panels during your seasonal roofing inspection. For basic, do-it-yourself cleaning, a garden hose will suffice. Keeping panels clean ensures optimal energy production.

    Myth #3: Solar panels are not worth the cost.

    With the advent of thin film photovoltaic (PV) laminates that bond directly to metal roofing panels, solar systems are becoming more affordable. Heavy, expensive glass is rarely needed anymore, and bulky mounting systems are becoming a thing of the past. Instead, many PV systems are composed of unbreakable silicon and Teflon films. When these films can be attached to your roof using the peel-and-stick method, you also reduce the chance of creating expensive roof leaks during installation.

    Bottom Line: Solar Panels Are Energy-Efficient & Eco-Friendly

    Rooftop solar panels are here to stay. In the long-term, PV panels will save you money while reducing your carbon footprint—and that’s good for your wallet and the environment.

    To learn more about solar PV panels, or to inquire about other solar energy options for your residential or commercial roof, call All Roofing Solutions today. We’re a family owned & operated roofing contractors based in Wilmington, DE. Backed by over 15 years of experience in the roofing industry, we can help you slash your energy costs while investing in green technology.

    To learn whether your roof is sound enough to tolerate mounting and installation of a new solar panel system, call 302-725-7663 in Delaware or 610-551-7663 in Pennsylvania or request an inspection online!

  • The Purpose and Application of Roof Flashings

    The Purpose and Application of Roof Flashings

    One of the most common, and often most damaging, roof problems that homeowners experience are roof leaks. A leak can do far more than just allow a little water into the attic. Significant leaks can cause structural deterioration, mold problems, and damage to household belongings.

    Flashing is a material designed to keep moisture from entering the home through the roof. It redirects water flow away from the interior of the building, thus providing a defense against the major problems that can result from roof leaks.

    The Purpose and Application of Roof Flashings

    While the purpose for roof flashing is straightforward, there is far more involved in the application of the material. Flashing must be installed in specific areas to ensure maximum protection against leaks. Any place on your roof with a joint, valley, chimney, pipe, or skylight is a candidate for the installation of flashing.

    Depending on the location on the roof, different flashing designs and techniques may be required.

    The Purpose and Application of Roofing Flashings

    Like any part of your house that is exposed to severe weather, the flashing on your roof can become damaged or less effective over time. The design and placement of flashing may require considerable roofing experience, so it is best to hire an experienced roofing repair contractor to do the work. Over time, nails securing the flashing can come loose, nail heads can become exposed, and the seals at the edges of flashing can be damaged.

    Your roofer will repair these by replacing or refastening loose nails, covering exposed nail heads with roofing cement, and resealing the flashing to eliminate leaks. With minor repairs such as these, working to ensure the integrity of your roof is normally a far easier and less expensive project than repairing severe water damage later.

    We Handle Flashing Repairs

    If you have found problems with your flashing or suspect problems may exist, our roofing experts can perform a thorough inspection and identify possible damage so don’t hesitate to contact All Roofing Solutions. We’re a family owned and operated Delaware roofing contractor with over 15 years of experience in replacing, repairing, and inspecting roofs for residential and commercial clients. Our staff of skilled roofers has years of experience in the installation and repair of every roofing aspect.

    We will work with you to identify your needs and will present you with options tailored specifically to your requirements and budget. Our priority is always to provide you with great service!

    Call us at 302-725-7663 in Delaware or 610-551-7663 in Pennsylvania to schedule your FREE estimate. And don’t forget to ask about our discount of 15% off any roofing repair project!

  • Composite Slate Roofing: 5 Inspection and Maintenance Tips

    Composite Slate Roofing: 5 Inspection and Maintenance Tips

    Composite slate is one of the most popular commercial roofing materials on the market today, gaining popularity in residential sectors as well . Aside from impressive durability and a relatively low initial cost, composite slate roofing owes much of its popularity to the limited maintenance that it requires.

    However, like any roofing material, certain inspection and maintenance steps should still be performed. Below are five tips on how to best prolong the life of composite slate roofs on residential or commercial structures.

    Composite Slate Roofing: 5 Inspection and Maintenance Tips

    1. To avoid potential damage, minimize the amount of walking on the roof, especially on peaks or valleys. Walk in the middle of the roof as much as possible. Also, follow all legal and company safety requirements when working on the commercial roof, exercising extreme caution on this smooth material.
    2. Schedule regular slate roofing inspections. Inspections should be done at least annually, and some roofers suggest inspecting composite slate roofs on commercial buildings every 6 months. Spring is a great time for an inspection to ensure any winter damage is addressed promptly.
    3. Check all flashings and valleys on your slate roof. Bad flashings or valleys are among the most common causes of leaks. Minor problems can often be easily repaired before resulting in leaks.
    4. Remove all debris and foreign objects to prevent ice from forming, which can damage your roof. You need to be extra vigilant when ice is melting, as it can form ice dams that refreeze and prevent natural run-off.
    5. Promptly replace or repair any cracked or broken composite slate tiles. Compromised tiles can result in numerous problems, including leaks, interior damage, moisture buildup, and mold. As with any roofing damage, the quicker you deal with the problem, the less chance that compounding problems will affect your business.

    The biggest part of ensuring the continued performance of your composite slate roof is planning and being proactive — avoiding problems rather than reacting to them. Leaks and damage to your roof can result in significant cost and hassle—both of which may be avoided with these simple inspection and maintenance tips.

    We Handle Composite Slate Roofing Inspections!

    With spring around the corner, it is critical to inspect your roofing structure for any winter-related damage. As the snow and ice have disappear, any damage or other roof issues are easier to identify and repair.

    For a thorough inspection, and piece of mind, contact All Roofing Solutions, a family owned and operated Delaware roofing contractor with over 15 years of experience. We can evaluate any damage , recommend maintenance steps—and provide you with a solution to all of your roofing needs!

    Call 302-725-7663 in Delaware or 610-551-7663 in Pennsylvania or request your Free Estimate online.

  • Residential Shingle Roofing: Deciding to Repair vs. Replace

    Residential Shingle Roofing: Deciding to Repair vs. Replace

    When it comes to fixing your roof, the decision whether to repair or replace it can be overwhelming for homeowners.

    The cost of replacing a roof is much higher than what you’d typically pay for repairs, however, you need to consider future expenses as well when deciding which way to go. At the same time, it’s not just about the cost involved – there are other factors to consider – and this is the topic of today’s post.

    The “Repair or Replace” Dilemma: Factors to Consider

    Experts recommend that you perform a thorough roof inspection at least once a year to determine if there are any underlying problems that need to be addressed. If you catch any such issues early enough, you’ll be able to address them properly with a repair job. Left unchecked for an extended period of time, minor problems can grow into major nightmares, leaving you with little choice but to undertake a more expensive and laborious replacement project.

    Generally speaking, repairing your roof makes more sense if:

    • You have a minor problem, such as a leak or crack, that can be fixed without affecting adjacent and underlying systems
    • You have localized damage but the structural components are intact
    • You’re addressing purely cosmetic issues

    If your roof has been damaged by a weather-related event or accident, your homeowners’ insurance policy may cover the cost of the repairs. Review your coverage and contact your insurance provider if you have questions about specific perils named in your policy.

    On the other hand, a full roof replacement is likely a better idea if:

    • Major structural problems, such as damaged roof decking, rotted or unstable rafters, or ineffective insulation, are present
    • Your existing roof is more than 15 to 20 years old; in this case, it will probably make more sense to replace it outright while the contractor is on-site, since you’re likely to have to install a new roof in the near future anyway
    • Signs of serious wear are present
    • You’re experiencing ongoing leaks or other issues with your current roof

    Work With Local Roofer

    The “repair or replace” decision is one you should make with the help of some professional advice and guidance.

    Bottom line: having a professional roof inspection is a good place to start if you’re unsure which path to follow; this is a low-cost and reliable way to diagnose the extent of your roof problems and choose the best course of action for addressing them.

    If you live in in Delaware or southeastern Pennsylvania, consider calling All Roofing Solutions, a full service contractor with over 15 years in the roofing business. Family owned and operated, we pride ourselves with excellent workmanship and great customer service!

    Don’t let minor damage turn into costly roof replacement. Call today at 302-725-ROOF (7663) in Delaware or 610-551-ROOF (7663) in Pennsylvania for your FREE estimate.

  • Featured Roofing Project: Shingle Replacement in Newark, DE

    Featured Roofing Project: Shingle Replacement in Newark, DE

    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711

    Today, we’re featuring a roofing replacement project in Newark, Delaware.

    The homeowner called us for a fall inspection, after enduring a significant chimney leak. We soon realized that their 20+ year old roof, although still young, was no longer protecting their home properly. The old vents were no longer circulating the air properly and the roof was not breathing sufficiently, which led to wood decking and shingle damage.

    Ventilation allows consistent airflow through the underside of asphalt shingles. This prevents the excessive buildup of heat, cold, and moisture under a roof. In order to prevent roof leaks and extend the life of your roof, you need an attic that literally “breathes.”

    In the end, there were multiple issues with the roofing structure: insufficient attic ventilation, wood decking damage, and consequently, deteriorating shingles all throughout the structure, not to mention the chimney leak that prompted the homeowner to call us in the first place.

    Deciding to proceed with a full roofing replacement, we installed GAF Lifetime Timberline HD Shingles. We also replaced patches of damaged wood decking and installed new GAF Shingle Mate underlayment for superior quality roof deck protection. To address the ventilation problems, we installed new power vent – GAF Master Flow. As for the leaking chimney, we installed a new cricket and flashing.

    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711

    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711
    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711
    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711
    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711
    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711
    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711
    Roofing Replacement, Newark DE 19711

    We Are a Reputable Newark DE Roofing Company

    Roofing replacement is one of the biggest home improvement projects a homeowner may ever face and finding the right roofer is a critical first step.

    We’ve been helping Delaware homeowners transform their homes from old to new for well over 15 years!

    All Roofing Solutions specializes in installing all types of roofing systems in Newark, DE. Our mission is to provide top-notch workmanship and the best customer service experience to our customers. Here are some facts about our company:

    • 15+ years of Roofing Experience
    • Fully Licensed & Insured Contractor
    • Valid Workers Compensation Policy
    • 30 year workmanship guarantee on full roof replacements
    • General Liability Insurance
    • Lien Waver to protect the homeowners from material liens
    • Better Business Bureau Member
    • Complimentary Extended Material warranty
    • 24 HR emergency service to current customers
    • On site quality control
    • Factory Certified Installers

    Call (302) 740-7727 if you need an experienced Newark roofing contractor and we’ll be happy to assist your with your re-roofing, new installation or roof leak repair needs. Request your Free Estimate today!