Post Winter Inspection of Your Shingle Roofing

Roof leak repair, Brookhaven PA 19105
Post Winter Inspection of Your Shingle Roofing

Now that winter’s coming to an end, it’s a good time to perform an inspection of your roof. As the snow and ice have disappear, any damage or other roof issues are easier to identify and repair.

Whether you live in Delaware or other area that typically receives a generous amount of snow over the winter months, now is a great time to contact a professional roofer to schedule a roof inspection!

Post Winter Inspection of Your Shingle Roofing

There are few important things to remember when it comes to post winter inspection of your shingle roofing.

  1. During the winter season, ice dams, freezing temperatures, and the weight of snow and ice can damage your roof and even the interior of your home. Damage to residential roofing can include cracking, bruising and blistering of the shingle surface material. Strong winter storms may even result in the loss of whole shingles from your roof. You’ll want to address this type of damage ASAP in order to maintain the integrity of your shingle roofing structure.
  2. If you’ve noticed water spots on your ceiling, it could be from a roof leak. In addition, heavy snow loads on roofs may also be responsible for cracks in your home’s ceilings and walls.
  3. Your inspection should encompass a thorough check of your entire roof. Your roofer will look at loose tiles, curled shingles and detached flashing. In order to weather upcoming spring and summer storms, you’ll need to repair flashing gaps and replace damaged roof tiles & shingles. You’ll also want to determine if the winter weather has worn away too many granules from your shingle roofing. If so, these roof tiles may need to be replaced.
  4. Now is also a good time to clear debris, leaves, and tree branches from your gutters so they’ll do their job during heavy rains or a spring snowstorm. You might also have the gutters and downspouts completely cleared with a hose or pressure washer and of course have any gutter repairs handles as needed.
  5. If moss or lichen is present on your roof, have it swept off or apply a moss-removal chemical and sweep it off after it has been killed.
Roof leak repair, Brookhaven PA 19105

Roofing Safety!

If you decide to perform your own inspection, remember that step number one is safety! Climbing onto a roof can be dangerous, and walking on your roof has the potential to make any existing problem even worse. If you’re going to climb on your roof, be sure the roof is completely dry. Wear shoes with good traction, and make sure someone else is home. A warm day is best, because you are more likely to damage your shingle roofing on a hot day.

Hiring a roofing contractor to handle your inspection is highly recommended, though.

Contact All Roofing Solutions for a thorough inspection and you’ll not only get professional service but also a piece of mind that nothing was overlooked. We can evaluate winter damage, recommend maintenance steps—and provide you with a solution to all of your residential roofing needs!

Call our DE office at 302-725-ROOF (7663) or our PA location at 610-551-ROOF (7663) for your free estimate today!